The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - 20. Swami Krishnananda.



Tuesday, December 27, 2022. 07:00.

Chapter- II :


MADHU-VIDYA – THE HONEY DOCTRINE : There is an interesting story behind this knowledge.




"idaṁ vai tan madhu dadhyaṅṅ ātharvaṇo'śvibhyām uvāca. 

tad etad ṛṣiḥ paśyann avocat: tad vām narā sanaye daṁsa ugram. 

āvis kṛṇomi, tanyatur na vṛṣṭim. dadhyaṅṅ ha yan madhv ātharvaṇō vām. 

aśvasya śīrṣṇā pra yad īm uvāca iti."


Idaṁ vai tan madhu dadhyaṅṅ ātharvaṇo'śvibhyām uvāca. 

This is the Madhu-Vidyā which Dadhyaṅṅ Rishi, the Sage ātharvaṇa taught to the Aśvins, the two celestials, who wanted to learn this Vidyā, by placing a horse's head on his trunk. 

Tad vām narā sanaye daṁsa ugram. āviṣ kṛṇomi, tanyatur na vṛṣtim: 

The Sage says: 

"My dear children, you have performed a terrific feat in wanting to know this wisdom from me. Verily, you are really very virile. You have performed a terrific act in severing my head and replacing it by a horse's head temporarily. You worked this miracle for the sake of this knowledge that you wanted to gain from me. 

All right, here is this knowledge for you.

" Tad vām narā sanaye daṁsa ugram. āviṣ kṛṇomi, tanyatur na vṛṣtim: "Like clouds rain water, I shall rain prosperity upon you by this knowledge that I impart to you." Dadhyaṅṅ ha yan madhv ātharvaṇō vām. aśvasya śīrṣṇā pra yad īm uvāca iti. 

By the head of the horse was this knowledge spoken by Dadhyaṅṅ, the Sage ātharvaṇa.


This, therefore, is known as the Madhu-Vidyā, the sense of the 'honey' of all beings, the knowledge of the interdependence of things and the vital connection of everything, under every condition, at every time, everywhere. This is what the great Rishi Dadhyaṅṅ ātharvaṇa communicated to the celestials known as the Aśvins.



"idaṁ vai tan madhu dadhyaṅṅ ātharvaṇo 'svibhyām  uvāca. 

tad etad ṛṣiḥ etad-ṛṣiḥ paśyann avocat: 

ātharvaṇāyāśvinā dadhīce aśvyaṁ śiraḥ praty airayatam. 

sa vāṁ madhu pra vocad ṛtāyan, tvāṣṭraṁ yad dasrāv api kakṣyaṁ vām iti."


Through the mouth of the horse, the great Master spoke.


"idaṁ vai tan madhu dadhyaṅṅ ātharvaṇo 'śvibhyām uvāca, 

tad etad ṛṣiḥ paśyann avocat: puraś cakre dvipadaḥ, puraś cakre catuṣpadaḥ. 

puraḥ sa pakṣī bhūtvā puraḥ puruṣa āviśat iti. sa vā ayam puruṣaḥ sarvāsu pūrsu puriśayaḥ, 

nainena kiṁ ca nānāvṛtam, nainena kiṁ ca nāsaṁvṛtam."


This, the ātharvaṇa Rishi spoke, and in conclusion, he said: "This Being which is responsible for the interconnectedness of things has become, what you call, the living and the non-living; the visible and the invisible; the creatures which are two-footed and those that are four-footed. He became the subtle body and then the gross body by means of a subtle instrument known as the Linga Śarīra or Sukshma Śarīra. The very Being became the vital consciousness of all physical bodies, and He is present in everybody. The Body that is Universal and the body that is particularised – there is nothing that it is not enveloping. 

"Nainena kiṁcanānāvṛtam, nainena kiṁcanānsaṁvṛtam: Everything is covered up by That – idaṁ sarvam."  


Next- Mantram-19.

To be continued



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