The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - 19. Swami Krishnananda.



Friday, December 09, 2022. 07:00.

Chapter- II :


MADHU-VIDYA – THE HONEY DOCTRINE : There is an interesting story behind this knowledge.



Mantram - 14.

"ayam ātmā sarveṣām bhūtānām madhu; 

asyātmanaḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni madhu; 

yaś cāyam asminn ātmani tejomayo'mṛtamayaḥ puruṣaḥ, 

yaś cāyam ātmā tejomayo' mṛtamayaḥ puruṣaḥ, 

ayam eva sa yo'yam ātmā, 

idam amṛtam, idam brahma, idaṁ sarvam."


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam ) :

Ayam ātmā sarveṣām bhūtānām madhu: 

The Cosmic Being is feeding upon the individual and the individual is feeding upon the Cosmic. They are interrelated like the mother and the child and much more correlated with each other in an organic unity which is incapable of understanding. 


ayam ātmā sarveṣām bhūtānām madhu; asyātmanaḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni madhu, etc.: 

This ātman is not your ātman or my ātman. The ātman that we are speaking of is the ātman of all beings. Rather it is not the ātman of all beings; but it is the ātman, which is all beings, ultimately. It is the Lord of all beings.



"sa vā ayam ātmā sarveṣām bhūtānam adhipatiḥ; 

sarveṣāṁ bhūtūnām rājā; 

tad yathā ratha nābhau ca ratha-nemau cārāḥ 

sarve samarpitāḥ evam evāsminn ātmani sarvāṇi 

bhūtāni sarve devāḥ sarve lokāḥ sarve 


Bhashyam ( Vyakyanam ) :

prāṇāḥ sarva eta ātmanaḥ samarpitāḥ."Sa vā ayam ātmā sarveṣām bhūtānam adhipatiḥ: 

Everything is controlled by the very existence and presence of the ātman, without any movement on Its part. 

Sarveṣāṁ bhūtūnām rājā: 

It is the Emperor of all. 

Tad yathā  ratha nābhau ca ratha-nemau cārāḥ sarve samarpitāḥ: 

As the spokes are connected to the hub of a wheel, everything visible or invisible is connected to this ātman. 

Evam evāsminn ātmani sarvāṇi bhūtāṇi: 

All beings, whatever can be conceived of or not conceived of – 

sarve devāḥ, all celestials, gods – 

sarve lokāḥ – all the worlds that can be conceived of in any level of manifestation – 

sarve prāṇāḥ – everything that is vital and real – 

sarva eta ātmanaḥ samarpitāḥ – 

everything, all beings, whatever is, in any form, are located in this ātman, in the same way as every spoke is located in the hub of the wheel.


This is the Madhu-Vidyā in quintessence – the contemplation of all things by the contemplation of anything. And, one need not be surprised that this is the secret of success, because success is the materialisation of a cause in a given direction, and the materialisation is possible only if the part moves in the direction of the cause which is not yet manifest as effect. 

If the object is outside the thought, how can it materialise? 

So, whatever you think, if the object is thought to be 'outside' your mind, it will not materialise. The contemplation by the mind, of the internal organic connection of the object with its own being, is the way to the success of any thought. Any thought can materialise; anything can become true, provided that which is affirmed or asserted in the mind is contemplated upon as a vital reality, inescapable from the 'being' of the mind; inseparable from the mind.


To be continued



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