The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - 18. Swami Krishnananda.



Monday, November 21, 2022. 09:00.

Chapter- II :






There is an interesting story behind this knowledge.



"ayaṁ dharmaḥ sarveṣām bhūtānām madhu; 

asya dharmasya sarvāṇi bhūtāni madhu; 

yaś cāyam asmin dharme, 

tejomayo'mṛtamayaḥ puruṣaḥ, 

yaś cāyam adhyātmaṁ dhārmas tejōmayo'mṛtamayaḥ puruṣaḥ, 

ayam eva sa yo'yam ātmā, idam amṛtam, idam brahma, idaṁ sarvam."

Commentary :

The law that operates outside is the law of the cosmos. There are no two laws – God's law and man's law; universal law and individual law. No such thing is there. Such thing as 'my law' or 'your law' does not exist. There is only one law operating everywhere, in all creation, visible or invisible, in all realms of being. The same law is there for the celestials, the humans and the subhuman creatures. Everyone is controlled by a single principle of ordinance. That is called Dharma. It operates as gravitation in the physical level; it operates as love in the psychological level; it operates as chemicals in the chemical level and it operates as integration of thought in our mental level, the level of cognition and thinking. It ultimately operates as the connecting link between the subject and the object, on account of which there is knowledge of anything at all. That is called Dharma. Dharma is an integrating force of anything that is even apparently in disparity. Anything that is disconnected, apparently isolated, not visibly connected, is actually connected, and that connecting principle is called Dharma. And Dharma becomes an integrating principle because of the presence of the ātman that is behind it. There is no such thing as Dharma independent of the operation of the ātman. What you call Dharma or law is the ātman working. Its own law is its Being; its Being is its law; they are not two different things.


"idaṁ satyam sarveṣām bhūtānām madhu; 

asya satyasya sarvāṇi bhūtāni madhu; 

yaś cāyam asmin satye tejomayo'mṛtamayaḥ puruṣaḥ, 

yaś cāyam adhyātmaṁ sātyas tejōmayo'mṛtamayaḥ puruṣaḥ, 

ayam eva sa yo'yam ātmā, idam amṛtam, idam brahma, idaṁ sarvam."

Commentary :

What you call truth is one. There cannot be two truths, three truths, four truths, five truths, etc. There is only one truth – satyameva jayate. The truth that succeeds is that correlative, integrating principle, Satya, which is, again, a manifestation of the ātman. ātman is truth, and ātman is Dharma. So, Satya and Dharma are identified as it was mentioned earlier in a preceding passage.


"idaṁ mānuṣaṁ sarveṣām bhūtānām madhu; 

asya mānuṣasya sarvāṇi bhūtāni madhu; 

yaś cāyam asmin mānuṣe tejōmayo'mṛtamayaḥ puruṣaḥ, 

yaś cāyam adhyātmaṁ mānuṣas tejōmayo'mṛtamayaḥ puruṣaḥ, 

ayam eva sa yo'yam ātmā,  idam amṛtam, idam brahma, idaṁ sarvam."

Commentary :

The humanity that you speak of is also of the same nature. There are two types of humanity which we study in psychology. We find mankind as it is totally construed, and mankind as it is in itself. It is a subject of psychology. Mankind, as it is in itself, is connected with the spatially construed humanity. The psychological mankind and the real mankind – the Jīva-Sriṣti and the Īshvara Sriṣti -are also interconnected, correlated vitally, and this correlation is possible on account of the Self, the ātman.


To be continued



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