The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad : Ch-1.1.18 Swami Krishnananda.



Tuesday, December 07, 2021. 8:00.PM.
The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :
Discourse-8 (8 Febrauary 1977) 
Chapter- I 
Third Brahmana
1.The Superiority of the Vital force among all functions -18.



”Mrtyor mamrtam gamaya: Lead me from death to that which is immortal.”The world is of mortality, and the prayer is to take us to the world of the Immortal. The world is mortal because everything is dying here; everything is perishable. It is seen now, and tomorrow it is not; like a bubble does it burst. 

We do not know what is now and what is the next moment. Such is the condition of things here. And how can we say that anything is real? Can anything be regarded as permanent? 

And that which is not permanent cannot be called real. So, there is nothing real in this world, and inasmuch as the unreals are the supports of our understanding, our understanding also is not real. Nothing is real in us; everything is a phantom. So, the prayer is for a total rise from this involved, insufficient, conditioned ‘being’ to the absolutely independent, unconditioned ‘Being’ which is simultaneously Sat, Jyotir and Amrtam – Existence, Light,Enlightenment, Consciousness, Omniscience and Immortality. No rebirth is possible there.


 When the chant is taken up in the Yajna, by the Sama Veda Udgatr, he assumes a power and a capacity to bestow boons upon others. So, the section in this context tells us that when the Udgatr, in the Soma Yaga, chants these Mantras, the Yajamana, or the one who is responsible for the performance of the sacrifice may ask for boons, and they shall be granted. All that is required, the means and the end and the destination – all will come together at the same time. in all the three worlds. 

There is no fear that he may lose anything. Once he gains a thing, it shall be permanently with him, not like the things that one gains here, which can be lost tomorrow. Once he gains, it is a permanent gain, because it is the gain of the real, and not of an unreal something. 


With this we conclude the important section of the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, which is concerned with the Prana-Vidya, the methodology of contemplation on the Universal Prana through the individual Prana and the function of the senses, leading up to the chant mentioned just now – the Pavamana Abhyaroha. 



Next :Fourth Brahmana : Creation from the Universal Self : 

To be continued ....



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