
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 13.4 Swami Krishnananda.

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, August 28, 2021. 9:47. PM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA :  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-13.4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a very peculiar symbolic expression, which seems to tell us that the urge for creation, the outrush of manifestation which is the principle of death, described here as Mṛityu, was not satisfied with creation up to the point of Virāt, and wanted to engulf Virāt itself in its bosom, so that creation would end with Virāt; but, it did not end with Virāt. The principle of manifestation was not satisfied with the manifestation of Virāt. The One has to become the many, further down. Well, the Virāt is the many, no doubt; manifold expression is there in this Body of the Virāt; every

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 13.3 Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, August 24, 2021. 7:57. PM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA :  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-13.3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sa manasā vācam mithunaṁ samabhavad aśanāyā mṛtyuḥ: Here the word aśanāyā mṛtyuḥ is repeated once again in order to bring out the sense that creation is an 'othering' of God, an alienation, a sacrifice, which is sometimes called the 'Cosmic Sacrifice'. The Absolute becomes something other than Itself, in order that it may appear as this universe. How does it become other than it is? By the projection of the time factor. There is no time in God; it is all Eternity. The moment there is the projection of process, it becomes creation-Saṁvatsara, the time-cycle. Saṁvatsara is the principle of the year, which is time. The moment th

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 13.2 Swami Krishnananda.

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, August 20, 2021. 7:57. PM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA :  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-13.2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three kinds of 'self' distinguished in the philosophy of the Ved?nta. These three 'selfs' are the three aspects of the conception of the One Self. They are called the Mukhya-atman, the Mithya-atman and the Gauna-atman, in Sanskrit. The Mukhya-atman is the primary Self, which is uniform and unique in every individual, equally. It does not differ from one person to another person, from one thing to another thing, like space contained in various vessels. It is the same space that is in all vessels, irrespective of the number and size of the vessels, etc. This ubiquitous Consciousness, which is equally present in all

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 13.1 Swami Krishnananda.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, August 14, 2021. 8:13. PM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA :  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-13.1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram-4. "so׳kāmayata dvitīyo ma ātmā jāyeteti, sa manasā vācam mithunaṁ samabhavad aśanāyā mṛtyuḥ, tad yad reta āsīt, sa saṁvatsaro ׳bhavat; na ha purā tataḥ saṁvatsara āsa. tam etāvantaṁ kālam abhibhaḥ. yāvān saṁvatsaraḥ, tam etāvataḥ, kālasya parastād asṛjata; taṁ jātam abhivyādadāt, sa bhāṇ akarot saiva vāg abhavat." It willed, or He willed: "May I have a second Self." This is the origin of creation. The world, this creation, this universe is the second Self, as it were, of the Supreme Being. This 'other' Self, which is this vast creation, is animated by the Supreme Being Himself. It is 'other'

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 12. Swami Krishnananda.

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, August 9, 2021.10:42. PM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA :  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Cosmic Prāṇa, Hiraṇyagarbha, or Virāt, assumed a threefold aspect – Adhibhautika, Adhyātmika and Adhidaivika, viz., the physical, the subjective and the transcendent. The objective or the physical, the subjective or the psychic, and the transcendent which is the invisible divine content, are later formulations. Here again the Upaniṣhad brings us back, by a Simhāvalokana, as it were, a retrospective look, to the unity of things, in spite of the tripartite diversification that has taken place. In spite of this threefold manifestation, which is apparently a segmentation of crea

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 11. Swami Krishnananda

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, August 2, 2021.8:15. PM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA :  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-11. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we have a description of creation down to the point of Virat :  Tejo raso niravartatāgnih:  A luminous essence, which we may call the Cosmic Fire, emanated from this condition, which is the outrush of the Creative Process. That luminous Cosmic Essential Being, the Fire Universal, is what we call Vaiśvānara or Virāt. Then what happens? We are slowly to come down to our sorrowful state, not yet begun, but going to begin. The intermediary conditions are now described, which are prior to the manifestation of our grossened individualities. There are certain intermediary stages – the division of the Virat into