The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad -1.1. Swami Krishnananda


Saturday, October 31, 11 : 11. AM.

CHAPTER - I : The Universe as a Sacrificial Horse-1


The commencement of the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣhad is a description of a symbolic placement of the parts of the individual in the cosmic quarters, with the spiritual intention of an undivided meditation, where the subject commingles with the object. The peculiar technique, adopted here in this Upaniṣhad, is ritualistic as it is characteristic of the Brāhmaṇas in the Vedas, and this technique is supposed to be adopted in the case of every individual character in its correlation with the universe. Here the individual concerned is the horse of the Aśvamedha Sacrifice, which is the object of consecration and while, exoterically considered, it is one of the items in the Aśvamedha Yajña, and it becomes a part of an external act, in the Upaniṣhad it becomes a piece of contemplation, which is the avowed purpose of the Upaniṣhad – to convert every act into a mode of contemplation, to tranform every object into the Universal Subject. This is the aim of the Upaniṣhad finally; and for this purpose various methods are prescribed. One method is, here, in this Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣhad, at its beginning, the transformation of the ritual technique into an inward contemplation of the Spirit.


aum! uṣā vā aśvasya medhyasya śiraḥ, sūryas cakṣuḥ, vātaḥ prāṇaḥ, vyāttam agnir vaisvānaraḥ; 

saṁvatsara ātmāśvasya medhyasya, dyauḥ pṙṣṭham, antarikṣam udaram, pṛthivī pājasyam, diśaḥ 

avāntaradiśaḥ pārśavaḥ, ṛtavóṅgāni, māsās cārdhamāsāś ca parvāṇi, ahorātrāṇi pratiṣṭhāḥ, nakṣatrāny 

asthīni, nabho māṁsāni; ūvadhyaṁ sikatāḥ, sindhavo gudāḥ, yakṛc ca klomānaś ca parvatāḥ, 

oṣadhayaś ca vanaspatayaś ca lomāni, udyan pūrvārdhaḥ nimlocañ jaghanārdhaḥ, yad vijṛmbhate tad 

vidyotate,  yad vidhūnute tat stanayati, yan mehati tad varṣati; vāg evāsya vāk.


This is the first Mantra which is written in prose, the style of the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Vedas. Uṣā vā aśvasya medhyasya śiraḥ: The dawn is the head of this sacred horse. The idea is that every part of the essential item in the sacrifice is to be identified, correspondingly, part by part, with the sections of the universe outside. In worship, especially that performed in temples, we have also a similar technique adopted, which is known as the Nyāsa method – the placement. Nyāsa means placement. The parts of the body of the worshipper are correspondingly placed in the parts of the body of the deity, so that the distinction between the worshipper and the deity is abolished. The two become one. Such a Nyāsa is done here. The head of the sacrificial horse must be contemplated as the dawn. Here, the dawn does not necessarily mean a particular time of the eve of the rise of the sun at any particular place, but the eastern part, mostly conceivable by the mind, as the world, as it can be visualised by us to the extent possible. Now, if it is not possible to conceive it in this manner, it can be taken literally as the eastern part of the world where we are living. The dawn is the head of the consecrated horse. The dawn, the beginning of the day, is the head, because the head is the beginning of the body. That is the similarity. The day begins with the dawn, and the body begins with the head. This is the similarity conceived here.


The eyes may be compared to the sun. The similarity is very obvious, because the sun is the eye of the day through which perception is made possible; and the eyes, of course, in the body, are the means of every kind of visual perception.


The Cosmic Wind, the Air that pervades, is the Prāṇa within. We should identify the Prāṇa within the horse with the Air that is outside, because the two are essentially the same, one working in the world outside and another working within the body of the individual, here, the horse.


To be continued ....



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