The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad -1.3 Swami Krishnananda


1.Introduction -3.

#This was the great theme of discussion in ancient times, recorded in the Vedas and Upanishads, and masters and sages sat together in congregation, and discussed the problems of life, of here and hereafter.

*What is life?

**What is this world, and what is our duty?

***What are we expected to do and in what way are we to behave, and so on. Is there a life beyond, or is this life everything?

****Is this earth the evaluating principle of all, or is there something beyond?

##These questions were discussed in great detail through centuries, right from the time of the Vedas.


#We have, in India particularly, a series of records available of such discussions of ancient masters, which are given to us today in the form of what we call the Veda-Rasi, or the lore of sacred wisdom, normally known as the Vedas. 

##It is a book of wisdom or we may call it a group of books of wisdom records of such discussions, findings, realisations and experiences of various experts who tried to dive into the depths of 'being' and brought out the pearl from the ocean of existence, and proclaimed to humanity the value of it, and the meaning of it to everyone.
To be continued .....



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