The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad -1.2 Swami Krishnananda


1.Introduction -2.

*Now, primarily at present, we are concerned with a very important subject the principle of life which can guide every individual, whether of the East or the West, North or South, of today or tomorrow, under every condition. 

#Is there such a principle? 

##We have in the Dharma-Sastras, or the law codes and ethical mandates, mention made of Dharma, known as Samanya-Dharma and the Visesha-Dharma. 

**Dharma means a principle of behaviour and action, a law, a regulation, a rule. 

***And it is Samanya or Visesha, i.e., general as well as particular. 

###The general Dharma or the generally applicable principle of life upon every individual is called Samanya-Dharma, but that which varies from individual to individual, from one class to another class etc. is the Visesha-Dharma, which we need not dilate upon here, as it is not concerned with our present theme.

*The laws of life are esoteric and exoteric, even as they are general and particular. 

#All these divisions of law and principle are manifestation of an inviolable principle, that is, the ultimate principle of life which is impossible to grasp easily, inasmuch as our intellects, our minds, our total personalities are all involved in certain conditions of living. 

##We cannot extricate our personalities from the circumstances in which we are involved. We cannot judge things, understand things or behave in a manner which is not conditioned by our atmosphere. 

###Hence, it is impossible for ordinary human beings to appreciate what the ultimate principle of life is, because to understand this ultimate principle, one has to stand above conditions and circumstances, which is practically impossible for people. 


*How can we stand above conditions and circumstances? 

#We have the summer condition; we have the winter condition; we have the hunger condition; we have the thirsty condition; we have the sick condition; we have the healthy condition; we have the male condition; we have the female condition; we have the white condition; we have the black condition; we have the happy condition; we have the unhappy condition; and so on. 

##So we are involved in millions and millions of conditions, and to stand above them is almost an impossibility. 

#It is a superhuman task; and thus, the ultimate principle of existence cannot be known; and any judgment that we pass, any understanding that we project from our intellects has naturally to be conditioned. 

##The conditions reflect the character of the unconditioned, which is a saving factor, though it is true that we are all conditioned and the unconditioned cannot easily be known. 

###One solacing principle that is available to us is that the invisible and the impersonal principle of life, though it is impossible of grasp by conditioned intellects, casts certain reflections upon every condition in life and it is seen to be working in me, in you and in everyone under every circumstance. 

*So, it is possible for us to reach the impersonal and the ultimate principle of life through the conditions, the circumstances and the vicissitudes. 

**The esoteric can be known through the exoteric. The Superindividual can be reached through the individual, and conditions can be broken and the unconditioned can be reached.
To be continued ...



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