The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad -1.2 Swami Krishnananda

====================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- 19/04/2020. 1.Introduction -2. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. *Now, primarily at present, we are concerned with a very important subject the principle of life which can guide every individual, whether of the East or the West, North or South, of today or tomorrow, under every condition. #Is there such a principle? ##We have in the Dharma-Sastras, or the law codes and ethical mandates, mention made of Dharma, known as Samanya-Dharma and the Visesha-Dharma. **Dharma means a principle of behaviour and action, a law, a regulation, a rule. ***And it is Samanya or Visesha, i.e., general as well as particular. ###The general Dharma or the generally applicable principle of life upon every individual is called Samanya-Dharma, but that which varies from individual to individual, from one class...