The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - 26. Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================== Sunday, March 26, 2023. 07:45. Chapter- III : FIRST BRAHMANA: SACRIFICIAL WORSHIP AND ITS REWARDS Mantras-7,8,9,10. Post-26. ========================================================================= Mantram-7. "In this sacrifice, how many Ṛg verses are used, and what types of verses are used? Can you tell me?" Yājñavalkya, iti hovāca, katibhir ayam adya ṛgbhir hotāsmin yajñe kariṣyatīti: "The Hotr, the Ṛg Vedic priest, performs the sacrifice by the recitation of a set of Ṛg Vedic Mantras." "What are those Mantras? Can you tell?" Tisṛbhir iti: "Three types are there," says Yājñavalkya. "These are used by the Hotr, the Ṛg Vedic priest." Katamas tas tisra iti: "Which are those three?" again Aśvala asks. Puro'nuvākyā ca yājyā ca śasyaiva tṛtīyā: "The introductory verses which precede the principal chant, the Mantras that are connected directly with ...