The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - 22. Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= Sunday, January 29, 2023. 07:30. Chapter- III : FIRST BRAHMANA: SACRIFICIAL WORSHIP AND ITS REWARDS Post-22. ========================================================================= Chapter III FIRST BRAHMANA: SACRIFICIAL WORSHIP AND ITS REWARDS The central portion of the Brhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣhad is what we are now entering into. The context of the discussion in these two chapters is the court of King Janaka who was a great knower of the Self. We are told that there were about sixty-four Janakas. Janaka is not the name of a person. It is a designation, say, the title like Collector, which is not the name of a man but the name of an office that he holds. According to the Bhāgavata and other Purānas we are told that all these sixty-four were famous knowers of the Self. They were ātmā-jñānis. One Janaka, out of these sixty-four, was the father of Sīta of the Rāmāyana. Now, we are going to discuss the conversation ...