The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - 10 & 11. continued. Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================= ======================================================================== Wednesday, July 20, 2022. 21:00. Chapter- II : FOURTH BRAHMANA : THE CONVERSATION OF YAJNAVALKYA AND MAITREYI ON THE ABSOLUTE SELF : 10 & 11. ========================================================================= Mantram-10. Continued ..... Evaṁ vā are'sya mahato bhūtasya niḥsvasitaṁ: From the aspiration, as it were, of this eternal, infinite Reality, all the knowledge of this world has come. Just as when you breathe out there is a breath coming from your nostrils, the Absolute breathes, as it were, this wisdom of all His creation. And, all this wisdom of the world put together cannot be equated with a fraction of It. It will be another aspect of this mystery which is mentioned in the following passages. The wisdom of the Veda, which is regarded as eternal knowledge, can be compared to the aspiration of the Absolute....