The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - 2.4.4. Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================== ============================================================= Friday, March 25, 2022. 19:00. Chapter- II : FOURTH BRAHMANA : THE CONVERSATION OF YAJNAVALKYA AND MAITREYI ON THE ABSOLUTE SELF : Mantram : 4. (Spoken on 8 February 1977) ================================================================ Mantram : 4. "Sa hovaca yajnavalkyah, priya bata are naa sati priyam bhasase; ehi, assva, vyakhyasyami te; vyacaksanasya tu me nididhyasasva iti." "Sa hovaca yajnavalkyah, priya bata are naa sati priyam bhasase; ehi, assva," : "So, now I shall speak to you the secret of all these things." vyakhyasyami te; vyacaksanasya tu me nididhyasasva iti." : "Listen to me with rapt attention. I shall tell you the secret of this great problem that you have posed before me; the question that you have put; the difficulty in the ascent on the part of people to become permanently happy, wh...