
Showing posts from November, 2021


 ===================================================================== =================================================================== THE BRIHADARANYAKA UPANISHAD  DISCOURSE-8 (8 FEBRUARY 1977)  CHAPTER I  Third Brahmana 1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS -17 ===================================================================== Asat does not mean non-existence like the horns of a human being. Here, the unreal is not of that category, because if a thing is totally nonexistent, it will not be seen, and the question of rising from it does not arise. The rise of the consciousness from one state to another becomes necessitated on account of there being an element of the real reflected in the apparent. The world of  unreality is capable of being taken for reality, and therefore one gets involved in it. Certain characters of reality are visible in the world of unreality, and so there is a mix-up of two attributes. The appearance, as we call it, is not a total nonexi


 ====================================================================== ===================================================================== FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2021. 8:00. PM. THE ESSENCE OF THE BRIHADARANYAKA UPANISHAD  INTRODUCTION-1. ====================================================================== SANTHI MANTRAM : Ōm pūrṇam adah, pūrṇam idam, pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate; pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evāvasisyate. Ōm Śāntih! Śāntih! Śāntih! Om! That is Full. This is Full. From the Full, the Full does proceed. Taking the Full from  the Full, the Full alone remains. OM, Peace, Peace, Peace.!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chinmaya Mission  October 31 at 9:28 PM  ·  With God's grace and Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda's blessing, a new administrative block was inaugurated today at N V Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Shegaon.  Shri Prakash Mukund (District Education Officer - Secondary), Buldhana gr


 ========================================================================= ======================================================================== THE BRIHADARANYAKA UPANISHAD - 1.3.1SWAMI KRISHNANANDA  DISCOURSE-8 (8 FEBRUARY 1977)  CHAPTER I  Third Brahmana 1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS -16 ======================================================================= 26.tasya haitasya samno yah suvarnam veda, bhavati hasya suvarnam, tasya vai svara eva suvarnam, bhavati hasya suvarnam, ya evam etat samnah suvarnam veda.  27.tasya haitasya samno yah pratistham veda, prati ha tisthati, tasya vai vag eva pratistha vaci hi khalv esa etat pranah pratisthito giyate, anna ity u haika ahuh.   In connection with the meditation on the Sama, and the harmony between the Prana and speech, it was said that the intonation in the chant of the Veda, which is Sama, is very important, because the way in which it is chanted or sung has direct connection with the meaning that is con

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. THIRD BRAHMANA : Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS -11 to 15. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================== Sunday, November 14, 2021. 8:00. PM. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Swami Krishnananda. Chapter - I : THIRD BRAHMANA :  THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS -11 to15.  -======================================================================== Mantram-11 : sā vā eṣā devataitāsāṁ devatānām pāpmānam mṛtyum apahatya athainā mṛtyum atyavahat. Gone above the fear of death are the senses when they took refuge in the Maha-Prāṇa. The Hiraṇyabargha-Prāṇa is the overcoming principle of death, where death is consumed. 'Mṛityu', or death, is like a condiment to this great All-consumer, says the Kaṭha Upaniṣhad. Death consumes all, but this Being consumes death itself. That enabled the senses to overcome death, that is, to free themselves from desire for things. What happened to them when they were free from desire? What was the c

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. THIRD BRAHMANA : Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS -10. Swami Krishnananda.

 ========================================================================= GURU PURNIMA  AT CHINMAYA MISSION. ======================================================================= Thursday, November 11, 2021. 8:00. PM. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Swami Krishnananda. Chapter - I : THIRD BRAHMANA :  Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS -10.  ======================================================================= 10. sā vā eṣā devataitāsāṁ devatānām pāpmānam mṛtyum apahatya, yatrāsāṁ diśām antaḥ, tad gamayāṁcakāra, tad āsāṁ pāmano vinyadadhāt, tasmān na janam iyāt, nāntam iyāt, net pāpmānam mṛtyum anvavāyānῑti. This, again, is a passage very symbolic. Its literal meaning is that this Prāṇa, the moment it took up the charge of the senses, the moment the senses surrendered themselves to this Prāṇa, the evil of the senses was driven out of the kingdom of reality. Evil was exterminated; it was asked to quit the kingdom of truth, and it was driven to the farthe

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. THIRD BRAHMANA : Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS -9. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, November 9, 2021. 8:00. PM. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. THIRD BRAHMANA : Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS - 7. Swami Krishnananda. Chapter - I : THIRD BRAHMANA :  Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS - 9.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. sā vā eṣā devatā dūr nāma, dūraṁ hy asyā mṛtyuḥ, dūraṁ ha vā asmān mṛtyur bhavati ya evaṁ veda. This great principle is Maha-Prāṇa, the Great Power, which is mystically designated in the Upaniṣhad as Dūr, a peculiar nickname given to it. What is the meaning of Dūr? Dūraṁ ha vā asmān mṛtyur bhavati: Mṛtyu is Dūra, or 'far from this'. Therefore, it is called Dūr – destruction is removed from it. Death, evil, suffering, sorrow is far away from

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. THIRD BRAHMANA : Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS - 6. Swami Krishnananda.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, November 6, 2021. 6:30. PM. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. THIRD BRAHMANA : Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS - 6. Swami Krishnananda. Chapter - I : THIRD BRAHMANA :  Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS - 6.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. THIRD BRAHMANA : Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS - 5. Swami Krishnananda.

 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. THIRD BRAHMANA : Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS - 5. Swami Krishnananda. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, November 3, 2021. 7:20. PM. Chapter - I : THIRD BRAHMANA :  Chapter-1.THE SUPERIORITY OF THE VITAL FORCE AMONG ALL FUNCTIONS - 5.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Chhandogya Upanishad also, we have a very interesting anecdote, concerning the force that is generated around a person who devotes himself to meditation on the Hiraiyagarbha Prana. There was a simple person who was