The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 10. Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, July 26, 2021.11:1001. AM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA : THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-10. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Here, again, we have some description of the condensation of the dense form of things, gradually taking place in the process of creation – the subtle becomes gross. The cosmic waters hardened, as it were, became solid, gradually, and the Earth element was formed. By the Earth element, what is meant here is not merely this little globe of the earth on which we are living, but the entire Earth Principle of the whole astronomical universe, through which your eyes cannot pass. The whole element of Earth can be regarded as the solidified form of this cosmic condition, the subtle nature of things which is called here, Waters. It solidified itself. From Fire comes Water...