
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 6. Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, June 24, 2021. 6:55. AM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA:  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The consciousness of the existence of the universe is different from the consciousness of the Absolute. That the two are not identical, is a point that is made out here. Once the existence of the universe is accepted in consciousness, everything else that follows from it can also be accepted. If two and two make four, four and four make eight, and so on, arithmetically, we can draw conclusions. But two and two must, first of all, make four. We must accept that. If that is not true, then any multiplication, therefrom, also is not true. There is a distinction between Absolute-Consciousness and universe-consciousness.  That distinction is the cause behind this line drawn here between Pure Being that is Absolute, and the condit

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 5. Swami Krishnananda.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, June 13, 2021. 6:55. AM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA:  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. So, this cosmological process, the development of the effect from the cause, gradually, from the Universal Being, down to the lowest of diverse elements – this it is that is described here in this Brahmam, which says that originally nothing was, from where the element of distinction between the subject and the object, characterised by a double activity of grasping and separation, was evolved, and then arose the Cosmic Mind, Hiranyagarbha. 2. Here is a passage of great significance from the point of view of philosophical technique employed in the understanding of the relation between the individual and the Universal. This which is a symbolic statement in the Upanishad, very hard, indeed, to understand, conveys a wealth of m

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 4. Swami Krishnananda.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, June 1, 2021. 8:05. PM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA:  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mind of the cosmos, which is called the Cosmic Mind, in usual parlance, is regarded here as an evolute, and not the original Being. The Absolute is Transcendent Being, and not a mind, thinking. It is not even a causal state. Even the causal state is supposed to be posterior to the Absolute. We never associate the Absolute with the world. The Brahman of the Upanishad, or the Absolute of philosophy, is the assertion of Being which is unrelated to creation. And, when we have to associate God with creation, we have a new word altogether for it. Ishvara is the word we use in the language of the Vedanta. Such words do not occur in the Upanishads. They are all to be found in the later Vedanta, but they are assumed here. In the Sa