The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1. Second Brahmana, The Creation of the Universe. : 3. Swami Krishnananda.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, May 22, 2021. 8:42. PM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA: THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, this peculiarity, whatever we may call it, whatever designation may be applied to it, is the cause of the distinction of the effect from the cause, and that becomes the first breeding ground for the further multifarious division we see in the form of this vast creation. The moment this creation begins, the moment there is the potency released for the external expression of what was hiddenly present in the cause, there is a catastrophic change taking place. And, this is the urge for creation, the urge for diversity, multiplicity, colour, sound, activity, etc. This characteristic of self-division is called M?tyu (death principle), that which destroys the indivisible, that which isolates the one from the other...