The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1.11 Second Brahmana, Post-11. : Swami Krishnananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, April 24, 2021. 11:39. AM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA: THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-11. Post-11. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Cosmic Prāṇa, Hiraṇyagarbha, or Virāt, assumed a threefold aspect – Adhibhautika, Adhyātmika and Adhidaivika, viz., the physical, the subjective and the transcendent. The objective or the physical, the subjective or the psychic, and the transcendent which is the invisible divine content, are later formulations. Here again the Upaniṣhad brings us back, by a Simhāvalokana, as it were, a retrospective look, to the unity of things, in spite of the tripartite diversification that has taken place. In spite of this threefold manifestation, which is apparently a segmentation of creation into three different corners, as if unconnected with one another, there is yet a unity among them. That point is brought out here...