The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1.9 Second Brahmana, Post-9. : Swami Krishnananda.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, March 30, 2021. 10:09. AM. Chapter - I : SECOND BRAHMANA: THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-9. Post-9. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So׳rcann acarat, tasyārcata. āpo׳jāyanta, arcate vai me kam abhūd iti; tad evārkasya arkatvam; kaṁ ha vā asmai bhavati, ya evam etad arkasya arkatvaṁ veda. One who makes this phenomenon, assumes power over this phenomenon, becomes that, is the advice with which the passage concludes. The cosmic condition is thus to be described. The Mind which was created, cosmically, in this manner, by a reversal of the content of the Absolute, this cosmic condition, is the seed of the universe. This seed of the universe, we call ?shvara; we call Hiranyagarbha; we call Virat, in the various degrees of the densities manifested. It assumed a joy. It became the energy of the universe. It became Vai?v?nara. Here...