The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Ch-1, Second Brahmana, Post-2. : Swami Krishnananda.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Friday, January 29, 2021. 06:55. AM. Chapter I : SECOND BRAHMANA: THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE-2. Post-2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The devouring death principle is the element of hunger which grasps objects. Here, hunger does not mean merely the appetite for edible dishes like rice, barley, etc. Here is a metaphysical principle. Here, the hunger is a cosmic element. It is not an operation of the biological spleen or the liver or the stomach of the individual. What is here intended is the principle of grasping. The object can be regarded as the hunger of the soul of the individual. There was nothing except the desire to grasp the object, if at all one could say that anything was there. A?an?yay? is the hunger of the individual to grasp, absorb, contact, abolish and devour the object. Now, this is a condition...