The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad -1.9 Swami Krishnananda

Saturday, June 27, 2020. 7:38.AM. 1.Introduction -9. 1. The Upanishads are embodiments of different types of contemplation on Ultimate Truth, and so is the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. The beginning of the Upanishad is a contemplation of the inward meaning of a great sacrifice described in the Brahmanas, known as Asvamedha Yajna. It is an external performance of a religious character for the purpose of achieving higher results in the form of celestial enjoyment, etc., but, the Upanishad tells us that the proper approach to the aims of human life, such as ultimate satisfaction, delight, etc., need not be the method of the Brahmanas, which is only symbolic, and there should be a technique more affiliated to the nature of Reality than is the external action of the Brahmanas. The sacrifice known as the Asvamedha signifies the consecration of a horse in a large ritual performance, mostly undertaken by princes and kings in ancient times for the purpose of name, fame etc. in this world and ...